Sample UnitsThis unit introduces students to Kabuki and Noh theatre styles from Japan. It was taught for a 6th-8th grade mixed level theatre class.
This unit is suited for either a theatre arts, English, or Social Studies classroom. It is designed to supplement a classroom studying The Diary of Anne Frank.
This unit is designed for a beginning theatre class to develop a basic understanding of how stage directions, blocking, and stage pictures work best.
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Virtual Unit and Project: Radio Plays
During April 2020, I utilized a Google Slide Deck to lead 4 weeks of synchronous and asynchronous learning. Lessons were taught through Google Meet, but students had their own copies of this slide deck. Students had weekly assignments, analyzing radio plays and podcasts, and eventually created two original radio plays.
We recorded these through computers and cell phones and I edited the final products together at the end of the project. You can view the Slide Deck and listen to the final product by clicking the buttons below. |
Product: Puppetry |
Acting and Monologue LessonsIn this lesson, students practice a variety of tactics in a quick succession. I utilize this circular "speed dating" tactic often to encourage student engagement and create a low-stakes environment for learning and practice.
I created this worksheet after reviewing theatre terminology of "goals, obstacles, tactics and expectations" for an asynchronous lesson. It is designed for a beginning middle school theatre class. Students submitted this through Google Classroom.
I utilized this rubric to assess final monologues at the end of a semester. Students performed their monologues two ways: once filmed on Flipgrid and once live, in class, to account for our hybrid learning environment.
In this lesson, students practiced their observational skills in a classroom setting and in the outside world. Then they were asked to put those observations into a short movement piece.
Dramaturgical Method: Role on the Wall
During the musical 13, we investigated a variety of themes including stereotypes, different types of relationships, feeling "in between," and more.
In this dramaturgical session, the actors wrote out thoughts and opinions in a semi-anonymous setting. After all students shared their thoughts, they had the chance to add stars to anything they agreed with. The session ended with a group discussion on the themes. |